my words

Do you have regret in your life?  I has a lot of regret. Because, I didn’t my best act in that time. And now I regret that. Many case we don’t have what we desire. And we sad about that. Live, is about adventure, or journey say some friend. And we must enjoy what we do. If you don’t happy what your works, you will never happy in many ways. And what for your entire time? Works? Family? We cannot have without fight. Hope. Is a spell that make we up again. But, now, is your happy. Don’t think we will happy after what we desire come. After what we desire, we will have many wish again. You must happy what you do now, or sincere with fate. But, don’t give up. Never give up. We must rise our head, and challenge our adrenalin to study anything.
I’m not a good person. I know you, him, or she has fail in life. And what we laugh tomorrow, is what we did in some stupid things. People don’t laugh in what he can do. You can go ahead, if you leave or move on with all your fault. Tomorrow will be not shine. But, in that dark, we can burn root, we can create our shine by our own. God give us many emotion, like rainbow. If we not enjoy them, our life will so boring. You allowed to fail. But, you must fix what your mistake. Don’t allow anyone to fix that for you. If you do that, you’re a great person. Am I as great as you? No! I’m in my great in my own standard. Your great cannot be same great as mine. We have standard by our own wish.
This post, is many mistake in grammar, and tenses. But, I don’t know what mistake in my post. Because, I just write it. Its so boring to leave many vocabulary in my head. I study English start in ten years old. And I never good in this. Am I idiot? I think I’m not idiot. I just don’t have friend to considering my mistake. You don’t understand what I write? Its ok. I’m fine with that. I’m not good. Do you have a good friend? Or girl friend? Ow, stupid question. Enough with my idiot speak. Later, I will tell you some place that I visit. With my photo, and maybe with story.

Don’t visit my blog again. Because I’m just idiot person with large mouth. I just want to never die my training session. English is good thing that you have skill. You and I will happy together. Don’t be sad. Although you sad, rain not come to say hi to you. I’m here for you, I will never leave you behind. You always in my side. Don’t ask why god create some pathetic things. We just not enough wise to understand god. We just can be good person for our sake. You can be anything what you want. But not to change love.      


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Menulislah. Agar Tak Terhapus Dari Sejarah

10 oktober 2017
